Every life begins in the womb of a mother, like it or not. The womb is the first home for every human being that has ever lived and for those that are still preparing to come and see the world (except for Adam and Eve).

The second home is the arms of a mother that holds her baby close to her chest. Than the baby under goes the stage called under five, where sickness passes like wind, this period is when a mother faces sleepless nights and restless days just to make sure her baby is ok.

Stage two is between the ages of 6 to 12, it’s when the mother try to teach her baby what is good and what is bad.

Stage three is the most difficult for all mother’s, age 13 to 21 .The child begins to think he or she is wiser than the mother. They think they are adults and can plan there life. This time is when most children inherit bad behaviour.

Stage four the age of 22 going upwards is the stage when children realise there mistakes and seek for forgiveness from their mother’s.

As we all know a mother always welcome’s her child with love. To me I’ll always put my mother first. My wish is to make her proud of me, sooner or later.

Sorry for the sleepless nights and restless days because of me. Thank you for being my best friend, for being the reason I am here today, for being my happiness, for being my personal doctor and for being my mother.