What’s on my mind? 

A lot of things stuck inside my mind. Hope is in there. Faith is in there, like a lot of stuff. They say the heart should be at ease, but where is the switch? We need that for real. Life will really humble you. Have you ever thought for the best but still standing in one place? Faith starts crawling like a baby, then starts thinking Jehovah doesn’t exist.

Well, Yes ‘that’s Life. Some believe that we are being tested by God. Let’s not confuse the good with the bad. Let’s not confuse good luck with Bad luck. We only focus on what suits our feelings most of the time; trust me on that one. We are always trying to find that little percentage of good in everything that is really bad. Don’t be programmed to say words like “At least it is not that bad.” The fact remains it’s really bad.

At some point, I think we are programmed. I don’t know if I’m the only one who thinks like that or what. We got them hawks all over the world. We got cures for many diseases all over the world, just that people’s jobs matter. From Social Media to Reality. I noticed that people caged up the true characteristics they wanna expose after getting what they want. Everybody is two-faced. The poor face and the rich face.

Funny how some won’t get me. But everybody is faced. But not in the same way. Some display the sad one just to be fed. The price is to give out propaganda about someone else, behind the poor. There are so many lives that have been wiped out. Being poor is the most attractive thing in the eyes of the Rich and Evil. It’s like a CV when you need a job.