What is love? Most people often ask themselves this question due to some circumstances in life. Well someone can say love is a bond that parents share with their children… Uhm is fair enough. But what brought those parents together.
This days people choose their life partners looking at their beauty, power, wealth and fame . Does why they end up breaking up, divorcing or endure burning in an unhappy marriage or relationship for the sake of their children and reputation. Does why I think it is advisable to wait for love, It might be hard and even take some time to wait for someone who will love you truly and dearly but it will surely worth it. Especially to avoid heart break or detrimental impacts by rushing. Love is not a competition or race infact you should let it happen to you at it’s own course.
Love is a feeling that one cannot describe, You can fall in love at first sight or it might take some time to realize that you are in love with someone who is always close to you. Love can turn a cold heart into a loving one. When you are around that person whom you love immensely, It’s like a moment suspended in time. You will feel more alive.
Well some believe that love start as an attraction that forms a bond, A bond that lead to love and love that is based on trust. Love that worth being worshiped, Love that is limitless and pure. Love is not really about achieving someone but it’s about caring about that person’s happiness. It’s about making that person’s happiness and smile your first priority and being ready to sacrifice all you have in order to ensure that person’s comfort.
Two lovers that truly love each other they are inseparable. Their pair is said to be made in haven. Love will always manage to unite soul mates no matter what .You have to feel that love only then will you know that you are in “LOVE”.