Once upon a time,a very naughty Jackal was walking all by himself in a quite forest. He kept walking and walking until he saw Joyce the very quiet Crow.”Hello” he said to Crow,
“Hello,” said Crow.They talked and talked until it was dark and Crow said to Jackal “come new friend let us go to my home to eat supper,” and Jackal saw that Crow was loaded (Rich).
“My best friend is this your house?”
“Yes,” said Joyce.
“Wow what a beautiful big house.” Jackal stayed for months in Joyce’s house and one day he told himself that he was going to kill Joyce so he can get Joyce’s wealth. So he made food for Joyce with poisonous mushrooms, and she ate. After eating Joyce began to feel sick and after some minutes Joyce died, and Jackal was very happy he even bought wine to celebrate he celebrated and celebrated. Until he was tired.
A few days later he got stricken by lightning and he also died. So now what did he gain by killing innocent Joyce, nothing all he got was death.