Well, I’m dedicating this message to those who feel unworthy, those who feel like they are just not pretty enough, those that feel like they are ugly or they just don’t belong. If you feel this way, then this message is for you and I hope it helps.
Honey, they tell you you’re ugly, they tell you you’re fat, they tell you you’re too dark skinned, they call you mean nicknames, they tell you all they want to tell you but listen, you’re none of those things. Darling, no need to cry yourself till you sleep no need to keep it inside and let it haunt you and definitely no need to kill yourself. The thing is, no one knows true beauty, we all just ignore true beauty when we see it.
Honey, let them tell you all the mean stuff but just know, you’re unique in every way. The fact that you made it unto this Earth, means you were meant to be here, the fact that you’ve reached this far, means that you’re indeed strong enough. No, you’re not weak. They tell you you’re ugly, well shrug it off cause you know what, it does not define who you truly are. Go look yourself in the mirror, smile a bit and tell yourself ” I’m worth it” cause who are they?
Who are they to tell you you’re not pretty enough, who are they to tell you that you’re ugly huh? Who are they? Did they give birth to you? Are they taking care of you? Are they the ones nursing your everyday pain? To be perfectly honest, they just don’t feel what you feel, so don’t let what they see be what you see. Don’t let them drag you down like some kind of an animal, just be yourself, be yourself, cause everybody was fearfully and wonderfully made.
One thing to know is, you can never please people, nor do right by people. People are there to judge and they are always going to be there to judge. Accept yourself, those people who drag you down don’t deserve you, no, they don’t deserve you. Always remember this, you’re unique, special, so let your contrast shine even in the darkest nights. You were born unique and you shall die a star. Lastly, all that we see now, will perish when we are no more. Our flesh will be eaten by God knows what but it is the spirit that keeps going on.
So, live to be kind, live to be happy, live to help, live to care, live to feel and live to love. Enjoy life to the fullest, and let no one bring you down. Those who judge, are not the ones feeling the pain, but they are the ones who embed the eternal pain. Hope this helped.