I sit and wonder if I never did what i did would me and you still talk?
A lone tear falls down my cheeks because i hate that years passed and I’m still hurt.
I was someone new around you , but now I feel like that cloth that tore.
I often lay up in bed and try to imagine if I still spoke to you…certain problems you were the first to know and comfort me when no one could.
I remember on this very day two years ago how loving you were to me, I was just your friend but now we are strangers.
If only I knew why you did what you did but I’d like for you to know that I forgive you…
I just miss the times we had and the texts we shared , now I know for sure you can’t be replaced.
I tried to fill that void to make me full but it only made me miss you more , how typical of me but that’s just who I am.
I’m just waiting for that text saying ‘I’m sorry I messed up and i’m sorry ,’ and I know the biggest smile from me will prevail.
But i wish you find someone else but don’t treat them like you treated me …