Have you ever felt like you don’t belong anywhere, have you ever been in a shell where you feel like you are all alone and nobody gets you. Have you ever been left feeling unappreciated, where your efforts are not recognized. Have you ever cried for death to win whereas others are crying for eternal life. Well if I was to count all the things I’ve listed and more to come I’ll not end today for my life has always revolved around pain and unappreciation.
All my life I’ve been in a closet trying to figure out myself, but the more I tried to get help from people to understand the sentence “who am I”, the more confusion and intrapersonal fights I had . Denial took over that I ended up feeling emotionally dead. Have you ever felt like a black sheep of the family just because you have different perspectives and vision from everyone else. Sometimes you find parents building dreams for their children not giving their children chance to explain what do they want in life and which route do they want to take, you find a parent saying my child will one day become a medical doctor, because they think the only success is being a doctor or an engineer. That’s were a feeling of unappreciation starts, I’ve also passed that stage many times.
living in a black community is hard especially because lack of knowledge has triggered judgement as people do not understand the new era, you find that when you tell people that you have depression they don’t understand what you are talking about. Instead they start stigmatize you saying you are lazy or bewitched and that prayer will take it away. Their eyes start to open the day they find the bottle of pills on your bed with your lifeless body paralyzed on the floor.
The feeling of unappreciated is triggered by factors that revolves around us even a single phrase “you are a failure ‘, can plant that feeling. Words have the ability to destroy and to build people have to be careful what their words are going to plant in another person.