When I grow up I want to be a doctor , lawyer, educator and etc . That is what we wished for when we were young and living our happy life !.
I never imagined my life will turn up to be like this Fr . Back in the days where I was living my life without worrying about money ,clothes , shoes because I knew my parents will make plan for that now I’m on my own to challenge anything that comes towards me .life would have been good and different if we never grew up , we just stayed younger and happily.
Now everything has changed , time , life changed . Many of us went through life and grew up , we now depend on ourselves. We no longer dream of being doctors , educators, lawyers, plumbers, businessman, etc we just thank God for any job we get in our way .People no longer wants to chase their dreams but alcohol , some go to varsity to study a degree but when they complete it they become jobless . There is many jobs but too expensive.
Some people give up on their lives because there is no change in theirs lives and they only live to die now . My life has turned to a movie . I am now gambling to make money because there is no any job to get for free all of them are too expensive. Education to me is just another word of hunger , we only live to die .