We are all going through a lot. We come across challenges,pain, hurt, and sometimes lose hope, thinking to ourselves that the situation we are in will remain unchanged. That is not true!

We need to understand that, yes we go through a lot but that will not be  permanent. We also need to know that things may seem bad today but tomorrow will be better. We can’t expect life to be good or fair all the time. Mike Tyson once said a great phrase, “in life, you have to accept the good and the bad as being beautiful”. We need to know that there will be good, bad, exciting, exhausting, and the worst days.

It may be a lose today, but tomorrow or even the following week it’s definitely going to be a win. If we lose today or things didn’t go according to our plan, we shouldn’t be sad or complain that our life sucks. Instead, we must know that we went all out just like we always do, it just wasn’t our day. Therefore, I challenge you today that whenever you come across a bad day, just say the phrase “Today is bad, but I know tomorrow is not!”