There was an old saying, don’t play with fire if you don’t want to get burned. But of course, us being high on the early ages, loved to get ourselves in some real shit. Didn’t know evereveryone but me and my twin, Samantha Carson, were almost into adventures which could ruin us and later on and made is realize , f*ck, we are doomed.

“Do you really think this would work???”

Samantha whispered, peering into the huge metal gates of the graveyard. The dainty looking strong rods, gave off the full view of graves buried by the dead.

YN: The question is, why is wouldn’t ?

I replied with a grin & she returned the favor with a small smile.

There was hot gossip spread around our village, Colonial Williamsburg, about people performing a ritual and summoning a demon who fulfilled their wishes like the stories of jinny.Since, such things thrived the life back into my evil brain, I grabbed my twin, threw a black floral dress over is with a golden serpent belts around our waist, and while I arranged the stuff for the ritual, I dragged Samantha to the huge graveyard in our village.

She agreed the second I poured all the crap into her ears, and just like that we snuck out from our grandma, Graham’s nose to here, in the graveyard of about 15 minutes of walking.

YN : Get your gear on, we’re gonna have a blast! *I said in excitement and my twin, sighed, looking a bit annoyed.

“If Graham found out about this, I swear I don’t know you.”

YN : Com’on! I’m doing this for our own benefits, we’ll be filthy rich! *I exclaimed, dangling my arm around her neck and then opening the gates of the dead. A cold creepy wind brushed us as if knowing our plans and greeting us with a warm welcome.

A chill snaked down my spine and I smiled at the unhinged feelings clipping at me. Inhaling the smell of concrete into my veins, and wind blowing, I gasped Samantha’s hand and reached the end of the graveyard, where a small cabin was situated for the Cemetery Caretaker.

“It’s better we stay near the cabin, because if the situation takes flight to north we could ask for help.”

I nodded at Samantha and we both dangled our bags at our front & swiftly, pulled out our materials to possess the demon.

YN : Oh my god, I can feel that energy! *I squirmed in my place as I settled candles in a circle & Samantha gathered the grave sand to make a circle on the outer side of the candles.

“Yeah, energy that tells us that we can even die.”

YN : Ugh, com’on, you don’t have to be such a killjoy, Samantha!

*I huffed out and annoyed sigh & she snorted.

Soon we settled everything and Sat in the circle with black feathers from crows in our hands as we joined them and hold each others hands.

YYN :Remember we learned Latin on Graham’s request?

“Yes, what about it?”

YN : ‘porta ad alium orbem aperta erit’ This is what we must chant first for the first 5 times and then ‘surgat diabolus’

“Wow,impressive choice of words I see.”*said, Samantha with a smile*

Port ad alium orbem aperta erit

The door to the other world shall open

surgat diabolus

Let the devil rise

YN : Our blood is needed for the ritual to start.

I uttered and withdrew a knife from my bag, the sliver metal shone in the moonlight,slithering a white ray on my face. I flipped Samantha’s hand over and sharply did a slit on her palm, making crimson to ooze from the cut, as I did the same with mine.

Clasping our hands together, I moved it over the candle on our left, as our blood dripped over it.

YN : Rituale incipiant

Let the ritual begin. I whispered and the thin flame of a candle, wavered indicating it’s excitement as I and Samantha clutched the black crow feather in our hands and joined them together once again.

“Okay we can do this,” Samantha released a soft sigh & and we both initiated the ritual with our chanting. We weren’t even into 3 minutes and the atmosphere switched into something sinister. The rules of the ritual were very defined, that no entity could cross the border of our circle but if anyone of is stepped out of the circle before the ritual ends, we could or would be under the possession of that devil.

Would YN and Samantha be able to complete the ritual and posses the devil or the other way around he possessed them??? To find out wait for Part 2

Just a little reminder this story is based on true events (I am not lying) HAHAHAH😏