Once upon time there was a man named Thabo. Most people knew Thabo as the man who never lies, he had an enormously Spontaneous character. King Ndlomo the ruler of the Kwenzi village recruited him to join his soldiers in a war against the soldiers of Vangeli village , which was strategized to be a bloodshed war.

The king’s request was meant to be kept as a secret between the king and Thabo. Thabo was going to be used as an ambush strategy against their opponents, which meant he also needed to keep this secret from his wife.

This request was against the principles Thabo had executed for years. That’s why he took a decision to tell the truth to his treasured wife.

The king heard Thabo had decided to tell the truth and step back from the war. Surprisedly the king invited Thabo for Feast, which was confusing for the villagers, as most people knew Thabo had decided to disobey the king’s orders and deserved to be banished from the village.

However the feast was organised in order to celebrate Thabos’ commitment to his marriage and also the truthfulness and resilience he demonstrated towards his principles. Never compromising for anything that was going to wreck what he had assembled for centuries – his reputation.