It started a long time ago, when we were under the British colony. We’d endure all kinds of mistreatment. They did what ever they wanted with us, Took our land, cattle, enslaved us, raped our ancestors yet we remained silent. Day by day a Zimbabwean suffered in his own land like a slave working for free. What was once ours was taken to the whites. They enjoyed all the wealth and we ate dust. 
After a long time we all took a stand against the British government and conquered. It is our close neighbours whom we are forever grateful to for they gave us weapons when we needed them. We fought and took our labs back
After we had the land to ourselves we thought life would be enjoyable but no, life had bitterness in store for us. It was around 2000 when we went door to door claiming our land which the whites had taken. We thought revenge was the best choice. Instead of uniting with them to get our country moving foward we chased them away. Some went back to their respective countries and some stayed back.
I don’t understand whether it was the love for our country or greed that forced us to take soils we never farmed. The dams we had fought for we left them and went to the cities to seek employment. The trees which had been farmed by the whites we destroyed and made firewood. Everything we took from them we left and again we looked for ways to live
Life was better after this period before we were sanctioned. The gold and other expensive products we made we could no longer sell. Our country suddenly lost its economy. Inflation struck and thousands suffered from this problem. That’s after them when we started migrating to other countries.
In 2008 we once again were struck by a great hunger and famine. The disaster claimed a couple of lives then we moved on with life. Some had baugar wheat to eat some ate pap from bananas.
Politics was one big threat to the state. In places like Epworth, Mbare and all around Zimbabwe people were beaten. We cannot protest in our country. A plea is considered a crime. The criminals in the country have better lives compared to us.
After this we’ve been to places like south Africa where they want get rid of us. People like the late Mr Elvis Nyathi were stoned and burned to death. The xenophobic attacks are high but we continually hope they stop because it’s our sole source of living
I don’t really blame South Africans for these actions but I wish they would see things otherwise and not take the law into their own hands. More Zimbabwean citizens have crossed the boarders illegally in search for greater pastures.
Now we head towards the 2023 harmonized elections although we know they are not harmonized. Once again we will be beaten to pulp for no crime. Our fathers will be accused of crimes they did not commit.
I know it’s hard to believe that someday we’ll be just fine but I have hope, someday our happiness will be restored. It’s a great desire of my heart to live in my country again with no fear but happiness alone. I continually hope we will rejoice again.