the enemy come to take, steal and destroy.

Never silence your inner voice, it is your guide.

The human gods, kill with no remorse their intention is to bring silence. They are highly threatened by the ones with a voice and eyes. You cannot hear nor see them, all you are required to do is to bow. Their eyes are full of rage, ice and hatred. If you have a narrow sight you might not see them. They wear biggest smiles with a smirk on the side. If you have never studied human behaviour you would confuse that with kindness. They stretch their hands towards you and lift you up high not for your own benefit only to satisfy their role and to ensure that when they bring you down your bones crush and your blood flows like a river stream, for everyone to see.

Once upon a time there was a little girl called Tee. She was recently born in the spirit when she spotted the “Kings”. She saw them as they are from a distance she heard them conspire to destroy her bloodline, and that of her people. Well, she was the primary target. They planned to use her voice and eyes against her. A naive and excited six year old heard the big voice for the first time, and screamed to tell her people only for them to tell her that she was a little crazy and young to hear such. Those who walked before her told her to never mention a thing again. With disappointment Tee never spoke again. Her naivete and innonce suddenly became shame, her little confidence was taken away. She started to question her image, personality and a woman she wanted to be in future. The woman with a name, a voice and integrity began to fade away little by little in front of her. However, she never stopped looking for her with narrowed cloudy eyes full of tears, hurt and disappointment. Deep down she knew that what she heard and saw was true, but the “Kings” had manipulated the minds of her elders so not to hear a thing from her. After that Tee became shy and very silent for she believed that her voice was not valid.

Okay, it was 20 years ago when Tee just turned 8 and a “King” of their village declared her an enemy of his “Kingdom” though he had no throne. There was no logic in the story, how can a “King” and a “god” be an enemy of a little girl?. Immediately after her birthday Tee had to be exiled because her fued with a “King” became out of control, though Tee couldn’t speak up or speak at all, she just reacted in rebellion with the “King’s” rules. Tee had the sharpest eyes, she could see far beyond the stars, She was the only one who could see the “King’s” malicious behaviour. It was no use for her to tell because it was her story against that of the “King”. How dare you to think that of our “King” Tee concluded that would be the response from her elders. Tee had left with little to no respect for the “King” and she had to be saved from a “god”.

Tee in Exile

Though Tee had her struggles in exile, she also had a great time of her life. To grow away from your roots, without head and eyes could be detrimental to your future, but for Tee, it was just another struggle in her life, she was used to challenges that she stopped feeling their hardship. As young as she was Tee was determined to live her dream life and break the cycle in her people’s DNA. She was adamant that she was the hope of her people, her biggest fear was to lose. She knew if she goes down, her downfall wouldn’t be blamed on her, so she had to protect her people by doing right. She clenched her fist strong enough to fight for her breakthrough and that of her people, She was focused on the bright future ahead. She was very innocent and a little stupid that she saw goodness everywhere and in everyone, she had forgotten about the danger she left behind, she believed as long as she was harmless there was no harm around her. As she was trying to find her identity, she found found God together with Delilah. Now, everything changed for her. She fixed her eyes in building a relationship with God. While she was still at it came Delilah and that could’ve been the end of her but she remained standing in her feet, yet dead inside, that was her first spiritual death.

Back in the land of her forefather, the “great Kings” of the land visited her elders and told them all kinds of fairy tales, then “prophesied” a false prophesy that Tee was lost and she needed to found if not nothing will go well for her. This was their initial plot to bring Tee close so to destroy her and steal her sight. Now Tee was a little older and wiser. She told her elders the “Kings” plot yet she was still not heard. What a “King” says goes, with no question. Tee tried to escape many times but couldn’t win. She was just a village girl after all to fight against the “King” wouldn’t make any sense, she told herself. Little did she know that a battle with the giants and “spiritual Gurus” had just began. This time Tee screamed her lungs “They are not for us” but still no one heard her.

“There will come a time when you believe everything is finished. That will be the beginning”~Louis L’ Amour.


When I first met them I thought ohh what great humans in society, and yeah to this day I regret my encounter with them. I always knew who they are but couldn’t tell because they are praised by society and their appraisal has nothing to do with their morality but everything to do with their accomplishments. They declare themselves ” Kings” and “Queens” and I strongly agree with them and they rule with oppression. Those who serve under them are oppressed in many ways. Listen to their pride when they speak ” I can take a life as much as I can save one”. Little gods I call them. Their wounds are wide open that you can see the bones yet many of them declare themselves healers. Can pain heal pain?. They thrive in vengeance, they are not up for peace they are driven by greed and power. They lack empathy but when determined to lure you, they will confuse you. I admit they carry so much power that they are able to manipulate nature and perform “miracles”. When I first saw their powers I forgot that they declared me an enemy I was fascinated by what I saw, in the midst of that one of them whispered in my ear ” you will die a slow death”. Well my intuition had told me about their season and time, and they are after. Their intentions were clean and clear they aimed to destroy. ” We want what belongs to us” according to their rule light belongs to them no body is meant to shine brighter than them, if they ever do they must somehow involved or permitted that light to shine.

As I continued to mingle with them as my new cycle one of the said ” the spirit says you will never amount to anything Tee”. I did not believe that they were against me in my sight we were now friends we had reconciled. Uhhh stupid Tee. Their slogan is that ” we are the highest representation of this Land” They are in leadership roles but aren’t leaders. I am very saddened by how they do this and wonder is this how they want to represent the Land on our behave?. When I look deep into them I feel pain on behave of the former generation, because they use their name to monitor, manipulate, destruct, destroy and set up traps for their own blood. Then claim to be “freedom fighters”. ” No one will bring their enemy close unless they want something from” said the “King” okay these never bothered me because haybo Sana I am no longer an enemy kaloku ngoku I am their friend. Mmh what a lie to tell yourself. Actually I was the enemy he was referring to. I then, realised that they have always been at my toes since birth, but needed my permission to access my life. I gave in without realising. I keep repeating non of this I stand for they manipulated everything for their glory and to diminish everything I stand for. They sent me a picture with a trapped lion and they wrote ” I set you up perfectly, now let’s see how are you going to come out of here” they are the ” spiritual Gurus” a fight with them is hard to end. Then I came back to my senses, kanene these are enemies. I picked myself up ready to fight for my way out again. DO NOT BOW!

As they rub through my wounds with an attempt to heal, I shout, you hurt me. They respond ” that’s how it should be” excited that I am in pain ” in the process of healing” yet pain runs from them straight to me. Pain is contagious like many other deseases. Pain is in them, pain is in all of us, who then is qualified to heal the other.