Let’s be real: I’m on TikTok every day, just like most people I know. And every time I scroll, it seems like there’s a new “holy grail” skincare product that everyone’s raving about. One minute, someone’s showing off their glowing skin and giving credit to a certain serum, and the next, another influencer is saying you have to try their secret face mask hack. So, of course, I had to try these things myself. After all, who doesn’t want clear, glowing skin?
But here’s what really happened. I’d see a video, get hyped about some new miracle product, and then I’d rush to the store to buy it. I’d add it to my routine, hoping to wake up with a glow like the girls I’d seen online. Sometimes it was fine, but other times? Total disaster. One product made my skin break out in a rash. Another gave me a burning sensation, and let me tell you, that’s as uncomfortable as it sounds. My skin started acting up, reacting to everything I put on it. At one point, my face was so sensitive that even touching it felt like it might make things worse.
I kept telling myself, “Maybe this next product will be the one to fix it all.” But after months of bouncing from one TikTok skincare trend to another, I finally had to admit that my skin was a mess. And it wasn’t getting any better. The more products I tried, the worse things seemed to get. I was spending money, time, and my skin was the worst it had ever been.
So, after trying countless remedies, I decided to strip it all back. I went back to the basics, using just a simple green Sunlight bar (yes, the one that your grandma might still use!) and a basic, regular moisturizer. And you know what? My skin started calming down. After a few weeks, I wasn’t breaking out anymore, I didn’t feel the burning or itchiness, and my face looked fresh again. For the first time in a long time, I looked in the mirror and felt like I was looking at me, not at someone trying to copy a TikTok skincare routine.
This experience taught me something huge: as tempting as it is to keep up with every trend, sometimes your skin just needs you to keep it simple. It’s not that the influencers are wrong, but everyone’s skin is different. What works for them might not work for you, and that’s okay. In fact, it’s totally normal.
Sometimes, we feel pressured to have the perfect routine with fancy serums, masks, and toners because that’s what we see online. It’s like an “Olympics” for skincare, where everyone’s competing to have the best products, the best routine, the best results. But what we don’t always see are the moments when someone’s skin flares up because a product didn’t work for them, or when they’re using a filter that makes their skin look perfect even if it’s not. It’s easy to feel like you’re falling behind in this “beauty Olympics,” but the truth is, you don’t have to compete. The best routine is the one that works for your skin, even if it’s super simple.
After this whole experience, I’ve learned to listen to my skin instead of listening to what’s trending. When my skin feels dry, I use a bit more moisturizer. When it’s oily, I skip the extra layer. And that’s it! My skin feels healthier and happier than ever, and I’m not stressing over the latest “must-have” product every other week.
If you’re also feeling overwhelmed by all the skincare advice out there, here’s my tip: start small. Stick with a gentle cleanser and a basic moisturizer for a while, and give your skin time to breathe. You can always add new products one at a time if you feel like your skin needs a little something extra. But don’t feel pressured to use everything you see online. What works for someone else might not work for you, and that’s okay.
And remember, there’s nothing wrong with keeping it simple! Some of the best skincare routines aren’t the ones with the most steps; they’re the ones that just work for you. Whether it’s fancy products or just a trusty old soap and moisturizer, the best routine is the one that makes your skin feel good.
So here’s to loving the skin we’re in—and letting it be itself, without all the extras.