There was once a girl who lived in her own head. She had a good life compared to many others, but she couldn’t be happy. That made her mad! How can she not be happy when her life is seen as luxury by others?! Is she too selfish, too much of a spoiled brat to appreciate what she has and be happy?

She was too frightened most of the time to notice some things around her. Her anxiety was too much. She tried to push herself to be out there and enjoy life, but how could she? How could she? When it was full of people. People were her fear and they were out there. She couldn’t talk to them without her heart racing, her palms sweating and her legs shaking. This made her sad too.

Why couldn’t she be a normal girl? She wanted many friends to go out to parties and have adventures with, but the anxiety controlled her life. Online she could text very well but it only ended there, because she could only type. She could not do phone calls or video chat, there were many things that could go wrong with those. So many unanswered what ifs, her life was such a waste.

She knew her life could never be good. She would never be able to live life to the fullest and that broke her heart. She would always be the girl who was too scared even of her own shadow. So why try to fight those bad feelings because good ones didn’t do her good either. she let the intrusive thoughts in. The anxiety was too much to let the good ones in. So in the end she died naked in a bathtub filled with water mixed with blood from her slit wrists. Anxiety consumed her whole life and killed her.