We are beings in this world that have what most don’t, stupid emotions! It’s really hard to be at ease with what you feel when it makes you uncomfortable. If we had to choose what we wanted to be I think I would have chosen to be a robot. I know it sounds dumb because I would be used as disposable junk, but it would have been okay because I wouldn’t feel as Bad as I do with emotions. 

It must sound silly but it would be better than having to feel these emotions that torture the hell out me. Having to feel heartbreak when someone has hurt me even though I would rather be immune to it. Being sad because someone I loved just died and grief takes time; it’s not something that passes overnight. Feeling ashamed when something I love or enjoy is seen as embarrassing by society.

guilt is the only emotion I understand, but only on certain occasions. Like feeling guilty for stealing, lying, cheating, killing, and doing all sorts of bad stuff. What I don’t understand is feeling guilty for doing what makes me happy. Also when something bad I had no control over happens. Emotions really mess with us and even go far to cause problems in our lives.

Depression and anxiety are also responsible for ruining our lives. Especially when we become depressed with unknown reasons and experience extreme anxiety in certain environments. Then because of not knowing how to deal with these emotions we shove them down. Which doesn’t make it easier because as they bottle up we become angry people. As we grow older we become so badly unbearable that we can’t even stand ourselves. To conclude, emotions suck!!!