Jesus died on the cross for me and you. When he died on the cross he crucified rape, gossip, adultery, lies, alcohol, drugs, medication, diseases and viruses, he died so that you can be free. Why do you still think that God made the world with sin? No, he didn’t he made it clean and pure. Adam and Eve sinned against God because they listened to the devil, the serpent. Did you know that you are 100% pure and clean, you have no sins. If you choose not to listen to me, the devil is gonna whisper in your ear but guess what God is with you and he will always. He died for you, he died with your sins. He created you knowing that you’re gonna sin, that’s why he died with your sin and he rose you with your pureness. God loves you and he always loved you.
If you are a non-believer and you want prayer and what to give your life to Christ comment below for more.
May God bless you and keep you.