I would wear the late Tata Madiba👤 ( Nelson Mandela)
not his face expression and skin colour but l would wear his braveness, his humility and his dedication of wanting the black people of South Africa to have freedom tomorrow.
I would fight like he fought for S.A getting black people broke from chain and give people a resident/ place to plant the food for tomorrow.
I would taught the young generation the importance of
education cause now they don’t have that eager of going back to books,
they had lost hope and now they live like a snake you own your own.
They heard Thabo Mbheki spoke about Human right to them and they gone crazy by disobeyed the law of their parent .
I Would tell them the distance l walked👣 to get / find a freedom for them.
the beautiful women ” Mariam makeba a singer 💃
I would wear her kindness, her Braveness and also her voice , no fear .
Singing on the days of apartheid she never stop even the white one were rule us as black people telling us the term the conditions.
It’s was hard who were there can relate .
Another woman I would wear on those days of apartheid who done the similar like’ Marian Makena is Sarafina a beautiful woman who also were singer in days of apartheid.
She was a leader, leading the people of South Africa to fight against the white people ;
she’s brave and hard-core.
she sang nicely even in the hardtime, she had no fear .
she gave the black people hope that ” Freedom is Coming tomorrow “. And she has taught us to Never stop fighting until we get what we want . She’s an example of all women who were never stop to fighting even in hardtimes .
On Sarafina movie there was a part of her story life when she visited her mom was at the working environment,
her mother was a cleaner at the yard/ house of the white people , which now is still working as cleaner .
( Leleti khumalo her real name , she confessed on the Radio interview that her mother didn’t stop working as cleaner.
She took the lead and if we can say’ Wathinta Abafazi Wathinta imbokodo; was the one of women who had no fear and one of women who became the mirror to our women and become the Rock woman you can’t brake in the world.
except her wisdom , she was a star that shine bright above all women and an icon for women . That the two women taught me that if there are hinders on my way but.
Never stop dreaming and never stop doing what will help you tomorrow that can put the bread on top of the table also follow your dream like She did not stop showing S.A she’s capable of what , she’s an actor ; she’s is Astress and the main charector on the TV soepie [ Imbewu] .
I would wear her humility and kindness of giving the people a chance to showcase their talent by supporting them .
Thirty one
I would wear is Sjava the🗣 voice for Africa .[Afro Pop singer]
I would wear his voice , his passion for music and his dedication also his wear attire to show the world his come from Zul( he’s a Zul Man) .
I would wear the same as him singing life and singing about what happening around the world and telling more stories we didn’t really know is happening towards us or to other people ; Sing about ; Love, life, suffering , joy .
I would wear his thoughts singing to encourage others and to heal the broken hearts also singing life changing .
Give Africa the example of him whom motivated him most to never give stop following his career ” Music .
do you still remember the hit song that barked all over the world ” Abangani ” Ft Saudi and Emtee not to forget ” Vura ,Ameni, Ekseni , Madludlu ; IkhandlelA and Umama it’s a lot Ey! every ulbum he has wrote and dropped was a hit( Umsebenzi Ep/ isibuko Ep he never stop giving the people of S.A a food for thought , a Veg that give have vitamin / healthy one.
he done it again launching his album in Durban ICC doing one Man show on 16 of November 2024 then his guest was ( Mqobi Yazoo , Anzo, Mzukulu black diamond , Aubrey qwana , poet women I can’t remember her name but if you had listened the song by Mlindo the vocalist ( impilo imile) she’s the one was featured. And lastly Mjabulisi.
The young great music singer , he had worked with them . I would wear his love ,
his humility and respect he have. Sing to entertain make people dance even there is hard time and
Also giving a feature to young upcoming Artists to support them to be seeing by the Fans of him such as (S’mamane , Emtee , the Xhosa guys, K.O and Various artists
Not to forget the Collaboration he has made with Rapper [ Big Zul] people of SA loved it. ( Umbayimbay the first hits they made both.(izinkabi Zezwe)
I would wear his kindness and dependent.
1020 Cartel had signed the great artists indeed, his really name is Jabulan from bengvill, his a Nazaretha and his clan says ” Sjava kamjadu indlalif…..
Last two the heroes I could wear
is the late Menzi Ngubane a greatest actor
I would wear his braveness , his dedication in acting industry before he died , played the great part to be a starring since on Ubambolwami story to generations the legacy and isibaya played the charector as Ngwenya
Lastly l forever 🫶love is a woman not just a woman but the author that Inspired me to start writing after l had readed her stories , Essay ; Fairytale and poems .
l had felt inspired and Motivated her name is “(NGCINA Mhlophe)
Written By L.Mkhwanazii ]