In this world, people come and go. I mean they come into your life and then leave. Some leave just the way they came unexpectedly so because when you meet someone you don’t know you’ll meet the person, it just happens. And as humans, I believe we should normalize the fact that some people we know now won’t always be in our lives. There comes a time when they go even if you have their contact details the conversations are awkward and not as usual.
Sometimes in situations like this, no one is at fault for the failing relationship and no one is angry at another it’s just that you both are no longer the same as you used to be. You may want to reach out but if the relationship is fading away then there’s nothing you can do about it. Just let it go don’t force things. Even though they come and go the memories will always be there. That’s why it is important to spend a good time with all the people around you as much as you can.
There are those who come into our lives just for one day yet we remember our encounter with them. There are those who will surely be there even if they move to a different place far away they’ll be there. There are those who come for a purpose, but each and everyone come into our lives for a reason, right?. Even though we don’t want them to leave they’ll leave because they are no longer needed nor wanted in our next chapters in life. We have to accept that and move on.