A young man grow up in a family of love , he was bought up by his grandmother . The old woman made show the boy never lacked anything . She provided in a best way possible

The grandmother was from his father side .it happened that as years went by the grandmother died , it was sad she was layed to rest

The young man continues with life , and everything the old woman had it now belonged to him . Up until the old woman last born son came back from were ever he was and started fighting the young man for everything that belonged to the woman .

He chased the young man out of the house and that day the young man’s life changed .

He was told by his uncle that his mother did not want him , she gave birth and gave him to his father and said he should see what to do with him .shocked the young man was broken, sad and hurt at the same time.

The young man was left homeless , but the community was there for him , they helped him build a small room for himself and many local people help with things they donated things beds , food and other home appliances

The young man was known for his hard work , he could never swear at anyone or steal in the community . People came together just to help him . He was left with the pain of why his mom did not want him.