Owning up and learning from your mistakes shows you are willing to work on your character and that your ego does not cloud your judgment.
Good character shows that you are trustworthy, honest, accountable and loyal. These are all traits that define your character and demonstrate integrity.
Having character often also means stepping out of your comfort zone. It is uncomfortable to be truthful about your mistakes but it is well worth it, as you’ll soon learn.
It means accepting that you will have to change a habit, or your entire mindset, and mature.
Owning up to mistakes allows you to take responsibility for your life. When we are mature and honest about where we fail. It changes how others regard, treat and respect us.
You can take responsibility by acknowledging you at fault and not blaming others. Taking responsibility ties into accountability which will be discussed in the next topic.
Enduring the consequences of your actions means owning up.
Enduring the consequences of your actions in the workplace shows you value your work and are willing to recognize your mistakes. It even means enduring the consequences of others actions.
Trustworthiness is a really important quality which strong relationships are built on, honesty and responsibility ties in when you’re trying to prove that you are.
It also implies you are reliable and dependable and the best way to strengthen professional relations.
In the workplace, transparency, accountability and consistency in them, will results in trust.
Maturity means you are open-minded and very often think rationally about everything. This includes four (4) types of maturity: Spiritual, physical mental and emotional.
Maturity influences your ability to make serious decisions and commitments.
Being honest from the start and owning up to your actions demonstrate maturity, and the willingness to work on your flaws. This proves you can be relied upon.
You tend to hide mistakes from people you don’t want to be judged by because you fear they will think less of you.
What people forget is that admitting to and apologizing for a mistake, then correcting it, leads to respect.
You’ll earn it when others see you as forthright and they didn’t have to find out from someone else.
Trust, respect, honesty and accountability are a few cornerstones of a healthy relationship.
People feel comfortable sharing their experiences and communicating openly with you when they see the kind of person you are.
Someone who trust your willingness to own up will naturally draw closer to you.
Admitting to your mistakes shows the next person that you’re invested and will do what it takes to work on and build the relationship.
By owning up when you’re wrong, you demonstrate how much you value the relationship. From then on the relationship can only become stronger.
People’s view of you are influenced by their first impression of you. But most importantly… How they perceive you determines how they will regard you and treat you.
When having build trust and strong relationships in your personal and professional life, you unlock future opportunities. When others regard you highly, they bless you with opportunity.
To conclude, when owning up you display good character and obtain respect. You are seen as someone who is accountable.
All these advantages result in strong relationships that will then present you with new opportunities to help you grow. As a result, you fit the criteria for the most valuable kinds of opportunity.
A natural consequence of this, if you choose to accept it, is progression.