Every once in a while,there is always that one person who tries to bring you down. And for what reason, we all don’t know. My name is kgothatso and this is my story.

I have been a living a very lonely life. I am not a peoples person that is what I’ve been told. So the minute I get close to you I get attached. And some people tend to take advantage of that aspect.

I finished my grade 12 in 2022 and decided to stay home. After two years of being unemployed I finally got a job offer. I was very excited to start a new chapter and meet new people. While on the job I managed to befriend few friends but how,that I do not know.

Everything was going well at the new job and I was getting used to being around people. I was starting to get really close to those “friends” of mine. They were very accommodating and friendly to people.

When time went by I noticed that they were starting to distance themselves away from me. So I guessed that they did not like the fact that I recently got promoted. They started talking behind my back and ruining my name to the team leaders.

I thought that was the end of it but I was wrong. They actually wanted to get me fired that they spoke lies about me. They told my colleagues everything I had told them about my personal life and that’s where I had enough.

When I confronted them ,they actually told me that they did not like the way I behave myself. When I asked them how I behave and they told that I think I’m better than them. I told them that I only wanted to friends with them but if that is how they feel maybe we shouldn’t be friends anymore.

I was very glad thar I broke my relationship with them because they were very toxic and I don’t need such people in my life. And from that day I learned my lesson that don’t always trust anyone even your friends. And that’s my story about friends.