It all began like this Mandla and his family were going to shopping. And Mandla saw the most coolest thing in the world. But you know things began to be worse! That cool scateboard ;he saw made him not to realize that his family are gone! When he realized that his family is gone he said “Mom; dad where are you?” he cried. If you were him what will you do?

Mandla was crying; and he saw a post saying: This is a very; very dangerous town.

So be careful! Or you will see…

Mandla when he was done reading he started to feel ill. “What if there is a monster? Or not! So what should I do? ” He cried when he looked up ; there was a big bird! It had colorful wings and a long peak . The only thing that Mandla had never seen was that it was glowing . The way it was glowing it made him follow it. He didn’t realize that it was leading him home. The bird stopped at a big house. And flew away . The big house’s door opened.

Wow! Mandla saw his family. “Mandla!” His family were so happy to see him.” Mom and dad I am so sorry about that I ran away with out your permission. ” “It is okay.”

Something rang in Mandla’s ear! It was all a dream! When Mandla peeked in the window , he saw the big bird he saw in his dream!

” It wasn’t a dream!”.