You need to evaluate yout circumstances in order to make good choices. Your circumstances is not just monitorial, it is also your environment and those around you.

I want to start with the people in your life. We all love our family and friends. And it is our duty to help where we can. But note there is a difference in helping and taking care off. We have to take care of our children, our elders and younger siblings. But we can only help adults for a period. We often make the mistake that helping means taking care off. Than our health start to vanish slowly, we suffer financially, which lead to emotional distress. And we end up loosing ourselves. We need to take care of us first.


Start off with a contract, stating you will help the adult with a period of six months. Help with food, shelter and resources to find a job, encourage them to sell products for they need to buy their own toiletries, airtime, paying for entertainment. Stick to the contract. If family members refuse to work or do anything for themselves than it is time to leave the family home. Or to put them out of your house. And don’t feel guilty if they will be resend full because you are the most important person in your life and you have to put you first. And some goes for friends. If you loose them over not being able to help anymore. It’s fine, for if you don’t loose friend you don’t grow.

Your friends

The need to reflect you, they have to be positive, motivational, inspirational,fun, understanding, resourceful and goal driven people. If they are not, leave them behind.

Your current job

Everyone wants more money. What I had learned, is to stay in the job you are comfortable with. For the grass is greener on the other side, for the load of stress is more. But if you really need more to live on and decide to move to another job, consider the distance you will have to travel. Will it be economically worth? For the more you earn the more tax will be deducted from your pay. Check if the benefits are better than what you are receiving.


If you want to be a successful entrepreneur, communication with your customers will keep a long-term relationship. Do research on how to get more clients and keep them. May sure your expenses are covered for six months, the rental, salaries, stock, petrol, security, risk management and is your product in demand and profitable.


If your success allow you to move to another neighborhood go for it. But ensure that your move is in reasonable distance to your work place or customers.