We are a family…

Our grandmother was a prayer warrior,she did everything by the bible,she looked after all her grandchildren,in my eyes she was a woman with no mistakes.

We were cousin’s living with a woman who lived off government funding,she did everything she could to teach us humanity to show us how to treat a family and to love one another,even though it was like that there will always be black sheep’s of the family.

In our family all my cousin’s had their mate,the person you will be thought to share everything with,the person that will be your twin, growing up I also had my twin we did almost everything together,wore the same clothes even outsiders thought our family was a multiple family.

We grew older and everything started to change,I started to know that my father is an uncle to my claimed twin and the other four that was in the house,I was never a twin so are the other four older children of the house these people shared a mother and they were five which was my aunt,my father had the only daughter which is me and the old woman is our grandmother not birth mom,that made everything we thought to be something we share with outsiders rather than ourselves as cousin’s.

Every chance we get we hurt one another,as for me I get blamed for other people’s mistakes just because I was there by the moment,as for my pro claimed twin she always shows me that it will always be friends over me,her dark skinned sister she thinks she is always right and always wanna correct other people’s mistakes and the rest of the three they Just think for themselves and me I told my self I’m gonna reciprocate the same energy.

I think I am stupid because they always hurt me and I just move from it as if it’s a cup of milk that has been spilled.I wanna act strong for the sake of peace I ignore some issues because I don’t wanna seem to be disrespectful.

For the sake of peace and love I wanna keep this family going and happy I will keep quiet even though I am hurting inside.

I love them all I can’t not say anything or else all these smiles will fade away. …