There was a girl in the rural areas by the name of Bokitshegu, she was 21years old. She didnt finish her matric due to situations at home, since the death of her parents. Though they were three sisters she is the last born and their parents left them a house but she was always fighting with her sisters.

Bokitshegu decided to leave and stay on the streets there she met a guy named Mosebo who lied and promised her heaven and earth, she even moved in with this guy, until she find out she was pregnant.Mosebo chased Bokitshegu out of his house and denied the pregnancy.

She went back home and begged her big sister to return home.Her sister Shinky is married and staying at her own place.She asked Bokitshegu to stay there till she gives birth then afterwards she must find a job and a place to stay since well she isnt married and even said its wrong for Bokitshegu to have a child at their parents house, Shinky was a bully and manipulater towards her sisters, she always had that bossy vibe because she is the elderst and first born.