Everything that comes in your life you’re attracting them with the images you’re holding in your mind. If you always think about bad things then you’re attracting bad things in your life, and if you always think about good things then you’re attracting good things in your life. Thoughts become things.
The thoughts you’re thinking are sent out to the universe whether they’re good or bad, then they magnetically attract whatever you were thinking back to you. Your thoughts are creating your future life. Whatever you think or focus on the most will appear in your life. Nothing can come into your experience unless you summon it through your thoughts.
What you’re thinking will obviously trigger your emotions. If you think about something bad then you will feel bad and if you think about something good then you’ll feel good. Secret shifters such as good memories, nature, favourite music can instantly change your feelings. The feeling of love is the highest frequency you can emit – the more love you feel , the greater the power you are harnessing.
The law of attraction grants all our wishes – everything you’re thinking about, the law of attraction deliver. There is a creative process that helps create what you want in just three steps : ask, believe, and receive.
Firstly you have to ask yourself what do you really want. Then secondly you have to believe on what you really want. Then once you believe on what you really want, you will receive it. Everything that you want you have to believe that you already have it because when you say ‘you will have it ‘ it will always be in the future and not in the present.