Ladies, sisters, girls, mantombazane, Banyana. I have a question for y’all, do you know the impact or rather say the effect that sex has on your spiritual life? You never thought about it? That’s right neither of us barely or never takes time to think about it. None of us never actually sat down and asked ourselves that question, that what impact does sexual intercourse have on our spiritual lives.

We always have conversations about how to protect your body when it comes to sexual intercourse. We had conversations about the good and bad impact of sex on our health lives,. But has anyone taught us how to protect our soul or rather say our spiritual lives when it comes to sex? Definitely not. No one has ever told us about the impact of sex on our spiritual lives.

I know many of us, especially us young people we’ll say, no it really doesn’t matter what I do with my body. It doesn’t matter how many times I do it, who I do it with. Now sisters no amount of contraceptives or condoms will ever protect your spiritual life.

It’s very important to be mindful of the number of people you get sexually involved with. Because when one gets into a sexual intercourse, what happens is that, they get spiritually attached to that person, meaning you allow that person’s demons to enter you and so is that person. You guys spiritually transmit each other’s demons. Which is very important to always be with one person, because if you keep on sexually indulging a lot of people you end up being followed by a lot of demons.

Even if you go to church and still being reckless when it comes to sex, your spirit will never be pure. That verse in the Bible that says “sex before marriage is a sin” y’all should start taking it to your heads and hearts and ask yourselves that if you start living by it and avoid sex how would your lives be. Because the more demons we transmit the more broken our spiritual lives and the more we suffer to make our lives better only because we chose to have more sexual partners instead of abstaining and having one partner.

I’m urging you sisters please be mindful of who you open your honeypot to. It’s not only us sisters who gets in this kind of predicament even the males are involved in this one and at the same kind of risks as us females.