I made some bad choices on my back of my mind I can still hear my dad’s voices,on some life tips,on how a man should behave and think even if life push me to the edge I should never quit, family first friends last, life a journey not a race somethings in life you can never erase,the dissapointments, the pain the hate they always showing, 

what’s the topic, the ingredients of persecution should I write about it, talk about it, on how the power of persecution can make you feel like you losing, make you feel like you nobody make you feel like you behind in somethings in life but having faith, hope and trust in the lord is what we all need to have

persecution is an ingredient and when facing persecution just know persecution is not there to kill or destroy, but persecution is there to make us stronger and to bring the best version of ourselves out of us. so what’s do we benefit from persecution. pay close attention to the topic the ingredients of persecution well talk about it on the other side, when the time is right