Maybe I just don’t understand it or it maybe is not for me but I just hate love. Yes! I hate love. The same love that gets young girls all excited, the same love that is said to be tender and gentle and the same love that left my mom heartbroken.
My name is Maya and I am 15 years old. I know what you are thinking, what does a 15 year old girl know about love? Well I know enough to know that love is not as tender as it is said to be. It is rough, wild and if you are not careful enough it might just drag you through the mud of the Earth and leave you miserable, heartbroken and depressed. Unfortunately my mom was victim to love’s wild side. It left my mom in a horrible state.
She was still prone to this world, a newly university graduate. Ready to tackle the world but love got to her first. She had just gotten a job as a Geologist at a certain mine and she also met a tall, dark man whom she quickly fell in love with. For my mom it was love at first sight but for him it was an opportunity to test his manly skills. For months they dated. The man became abusive- jealous of her occupation- and persuaded my mom to quit her work because a woman belongs in the kitchen. My mom blinded by love did as the monster requested. For years she slaved for this man who returned the thanks by cheating on her. It wasn’t until that my mom gave birth to me that she realised this man was not good for her.
Till today my mom has never been happy and her whole has been ruined. It is very difficult for my mom to find a job as a Geologist again. Each day my mom keeps reminding me what love can do to a human. I am scared of love and it’s horrible ways. I don’t imagine myself going through what my mother went through just because if stupid love. I hate it and I will never give it the chance to ruin my life.