I remember a few years ago when my son started school. As a unemployed mother it was hard to keep my head above water. I fell into a dark cold place where I felt so alone. And alone I was. I had no support system at all. I would cry myself to sleep or even just burst out crying while walking in the street. What a bad place that was… I actually lost a lot of weigh due to the stress I endured. I remember it was n Easter Friday when I decided I am actually going to church. Believe it or not I went and the moment when worship started I prayed to God to take me out of that ugly hole I’m in. I cried and pleaded for grace. I asked for forgiveness for whatever it was that I did wrong. And when I was done with my prayer just that one prayer turned my sorrow to joy. It turned my tears to laughter. I am a living testimony that prayer changes things. But first forgive yourself for allowing yourself to fall into that dark place…please let go and let God.