Glory be to God, the King of the universe ruler of heaven and earth, who forever holds control overall, whom all kingdoms are under, arighteousness Father, who holds wonders

All Powerful God, who judges fairly, in heaven and earth you are greater , for you are the creator, those with you find favours, for you award your children with pleasures, you shine brighter than the shining sun, protect us day and night

Praise Jehovah, the lion of Judah, for he cares, as for our victory he declares, he answers our prayers, for with him we are not in danger, he is our saviour, for he brought our salvation

As man treasures gold, he treasures our lives not to be sold, he is merciful and faithful , may he bring peace to our troubled minds , for he comforts all , and mend broken souls

He strengthens the weak and destroys the wicked, He forgives our dirty deeds , As we truly beg for his pardon indeed, He condemns the devil , For He does not tolerate evil, He loves those who hate evil, And from the hands of the wicked He rescues His people

He will never let His people get defeated, For victory belongs to Jesus, Forever and ever. Amen