Pastor how dare you?! Are no longer a servant of God? Who have made you a judge over humanity? Who has given you permission to judge my sexuality? How dare you? You have overstepped your line. Your one and only work is to preach the gospel to me not crucifying me like this. If I’m confused how is that you business? Leave me alone.

You have made me hate God. You have turned my heart away from my Creator with your judgements. Lucky for me I have found out the truth that God doesn’t judge me, He loves me just the way I am, cause I am His masterpiece. I also know that you don’t want my kind in you gatherings because you are so obsessed about the image of ‘your church’. Who said it’s your church because God was the one who called you. He’s the one bringing lost souls to you to show his miracles to them. Truth be told you have nothing even being a pastor was given to your God who happens to be my God too. God doesn’t mind my sexuality you do.

Just back off! By your ignorance you’ve turned me to be an angry person all the time. You have made my heart hate you. You don’t know what I’m planning for you. Just watch the space ‘perfect’ pastor.