There was once a young, beautiful and ambitious young girl named Praise who was passionate about changing the lives of her family.
She lived in the village Gaba with her parents,she was the only child in the family.Her father even left them because Praise’s mother could not bear him a son so he decided leave them to suffer and die of hunger,after her father left her mother became very depressed and very sick as she could not take care of her child and herself because she was unemployed.
Inorder to survive Praise had to go and sell water on streets so that she can get enough money to buy food and she also dropped out of school as her mother was unable to pay her school fees.
After her father left her mother, Ms Agnes ,she became very sick and depressed and she was diagnosed with breast cancer due to lack finances she was Unable to pay for her chemo sessions. Shortly in the third stage she became very sick and died shortly in the morning while Praise was selling water in the streets ,when she came back home , neighbours were overcrowding the house.She was very curious In what was happening there.When she went inside the neighbours were preventing her to enter inside the house as she was crying so painfully after hearing the horrible news.When the crowd shrinked she received donations from the community and paid the undercover funeral mortuary to keep her mothers body until she finds enough money to buy a casket.
She went and borrowed money from the loan shark to bury her mother,after the burial Praise planned to pay back the loan shark by selling water to provide an income for her to pay the loan shark.Things went south for her as her community began to have water drought even in the lakes and rivers the water were very greasy and dirty.She was very scared and anxious on how she was going to repair the money she borrowed from the loan shark.
After a few weeks the loan shark decided to chase Praise out of her parents house and repossess the house.Praise began to beg money from the streets so that she could pay at the homeless shelter to find a place to sleep,one day while begging for money a car approached Praise and she was hurt as it pushed her away and she fell and broke her leg ,a young man from the city,the owner of the car quickly rushed her to the hospital.
After Praise regained consciousness in the hospital she was very curious in where she was as she could not remember what happened.The young man explained what happened to her and introduced himself as Jayden from the city ,and he asked for her name and she told him she was Praise .The doctor organized the discharge forms for her and lucky enough the young man offered her a place to stay in his house,at first she was hesitant but he kept on insisting and she finally agreed.
After a few months of healing,she offered the young man to be his cleaner but he already had one but she said that she couldn’t just live in his house for free without doing anything ,the young man insisted that she should just focus on healing completely.4 months later,Jayden paid a certain school so that Praise could finish her education,after hearing the news ,Praise felt that the young man was god sent.After finishing high school she went to university to study for a course in Psychology for 3 years.
When she finished the course, Jayden decided to propose to her as they were dating,She said yes just when he took out the ring and she couldn’t believe it,she started to shed tears and she was hounoring her late mom.Soon after that she opened a therapist office where she partnered With the NGO’S to provide psychological and mental health care to those who can’t afford and for those who are uneducated.Later after that she began an empire that provides the economical free services for those who are sick and unable to afford.She became a very successful, independent and brave woman.People from across countries knew her as a woman who promotes confidentiality, resilience and ability.She also partned with the provincial governments to open a Beauty pageant academy for those of beauty and confidence,she taught her models to be self confident, brave and resilient.
She also began planning having a family with her husband, after a year she fell pregnant and gave birth to her beautiful baby girl twins:Amahle Carder Diana:Amile Caren Diana.She also built successful companies of different activities and facilities in the villages and also provided free resources of inadequate water and economical and health care services.
Her family and herself lived a fully happy life…To be continued
Writer: Singo phathuchedzo, a young thirteen year old girl…