I would have used the saying my English teacher once said “you can lead a horse to water but you cannot make it to drink” , but it was so different at that time , hence I say “A wise man once said nothing at all” because that is how it felt when I was in the darkness , when I thought that I would never be the star that shines or sparkle so bright. It felt like no amount of words would mean anything at all.

Being the star that wants to shine but is occupied in the darkness pains so much. It all started when my mother lost her job. They all thought it was over with us , but l was not surprised hearing that because they always thought we were not deserving anything good. At that time she would have lost hope , but then where there is life there is hope.

People turned their backs on us because we all know that when poverty come in the door , love goes out the window. As life continued with us struggling to make ends meet , I never thought about dropping out of school as education is something you keep forever. Being the poorest kid in school was not a joke , but I told myself to never say die as I promised my family a better life.

Within a blink of an eye I saw myself doing my matric and the results were outstanding. While doing my matric , my educators tried helping me with applying for bursaries because no man is an island. I finally got the bursary and made my mother proud.

As the attorney that I am today I say to you all , even a small star shines in the darkness as I did while I was in my own darkness because “where there is life there is a will” I once heard my school principal saying those words.