I’m no longer enjoying my days every day. I end up with sadness, pain and tears; I think I’m starting to lose hope and faith in this life thing. We, as black people, especially the black youth, struggle to survive because the rate of unemployment in the townships has Increased. Good opportunities have decreased, and this has caused a lot of struggle among the youth; there are no jobs and no opportunities, yet we rise and go job hunting expecting all the best and still come back Hungry, depressed and dying inside. Will this cycle ever change? Because meetings are being held at high constitutions, we see no difference. Only a lot of excuses and disappointments, even from political organisations, and teenage pregnancy are Increasing because Job opportunities are Decreasing. We scream our lungs out for employment to the unemployed, yet still, our cries can’t be heard. We have marched, struck, and burned tyres so that our voices of employment to the unemployed could be heard, and intense debates were held at high institutions; they came up with solutions for overcoming Unemployment. But we still see no difference. We, as the black youth at townships, are still facing the same pandemic we met over the decades by the evil name of unemployment. We have dreams,  goals, and a lot to Achieve, but the goals and dreams seem so far to reach. This is not the life we wished for. This is not how we want to live—employment to the Unemployed.