Growing up without your biological parents it’s not easy , I grew up without my mom , as for my father I don’t know him ,even his name.

I was raised by my uncle and Aunt they had three children , two older girls and one boy . These two girls were older than me ,I was six years when my mom left me .My uncle was a nice caring person ,as for my aunt was very strict and protective when it comes to her children .

My cousins they treated me like a maid , I was the one who washed their school uniform , polish their shoes. I always woke up at 4am to prepare them breakfast , boil water ,so they can bath, there were no electricity back then we used paraffin stove .

When I came back to school it’s my job ,wash their shirts ,Iron them make sure it’s ready for tomorrow.what hurts me more , when bad happened I’m the one who get blamed , if money gets lost or something is broken ,

My aunt always shouting at me , for something I didn’t do ,when I’m at school I wished , I could stay there never called come back home ,it was hard and painful I was alone no one could defend me .