Six years back when I joined Fundza I thought I had found a writing and reading platform. I would dig into the pots stirred by others and judge the taste through comments afterward. Apart from that I would dish up and serve the dear readers and wait for the judgements.

I did that until I realised I was running into circles. Reading is really good as it improves one’s vocabulary and language. It also improves reading skills. On the other hand, writing encourages the writers if they receive good comments or assists them realise their mistakes if they recieve bad comments. Now who to help you become a good writer and provide you with all the necessary equipment to become a good writer? Well, it’s the Fundza Team.

In your library, there are resources mostly provided by the Fundza Team. Those resources aren’t meant for just reading, but they are specifically meant to assist the writers in producing good quality and effective writing. For that reason, I plead with all writers to not just use the Fundza platform for writing or reading, but also learn from the resources and enroll in the courses.