You could have never felt small if your parents have made you realise how big you can really be,without them trying to fix their past mistakes through you.
Outside would have not been your place of comfort if home was really warm and not just a phrase we use to make ourselves feel better.
If our parents were honest then we would never deceive others like we do these days.
If our parents were healed
We would not be depressed today.
Do try and blame them because honesty is clearly disrespect To them.
They do not wanna communicate,they don’t care how you feel,as Long as it does not make them look good and feel better then it doesn’t really matter,they gave birth to you so they own you and so you live your life to their choices,as funny as this may sound but this is exactly what some of us go through and it is draining.
I know you wanted to be an actress,but today you’re a doctor which is why patients are not being treated by care.
You could’ve been the best dancer but you’re a teacher and your students are failing to understand simple only know how to demonstrate your feelings through art but they insisted you become a lawyer hence some people are locked up in jail for crimes they did not commit.
Your business would be making millions,but you’re just a police man that attends “after scene” because you’re afraid you might get shot.
We wouldn’t be having so many devorces,if they would let us pick our partners and not forcing us to marry “rich toxic people”
Let us heal today so tomorrow will be a better place for our children,so we support them become the best version of themselves.