Welcome back! So far I’ve shared how to make a Vanilla sponge cake. This time around we are doing something a little different. This dish is sure to impress your tummy and your guests. Also, it’s a very quick and easy recipe and is perfect for dessert after Sunday lunch. Anyway, let’s get to it!

(Serves four people)
3x 40g bakers mini Eet-Sum-mor biscuits.
1 cup caramel treat. To be more specific caramel treat is a Nestle product and comes in a can.
The juice of one lemon
3 bananas.
1 cup whipped cream

Now’s the fun part: assembling!
  1. Roughly break the biscuits and divide them into four glasses.
  2. Mix the caramel treat and lemon juice together until combined well.
  3. Spoon the caramel mixture over the biscuits.
  4. Top with sliced banana and whipped cream.
Tip: Garnish with a few extra roughly broken biscuits.
Serve and enjoy!
What recipe should I do next? Leave your suggestions in the comments!