I guess we all go through that phase of having to break down and get our hearts shattered because of unexpected turns in our lives and it now feels like you on a complete shutdown because you back to square one.Where it once hurt and you didn’t want to find yourself again in that comprising situation yet you back there.It breaks one’s spirit and you just don’t know whether it’s worth fighting for or you should just have to give in because you just don’t have it in you to fight no more. And then a person will know that’s a negative change. It’s one of no good deeds type things.

Then there is that change that brings the best out of people. The positive change. That change a person whether young or old is always looking up to because it’s a once or twice thing and a person feels good about. And all that is somehow achieved through an optimistic mind. Don’t get me wrong though I’m not saying pessimistic people don’t deserve good in them but truth is they less expect it because they filled with negativity.

You know when we dig deeper into this change thing one will see that we can comprehend to change. It doesn’t matter matter positive or negative what matters is our approach and our thoughts to it.Just As they always say in Sesotho “Tlou hae hlolwe ke morwalo”.And thats because we given the inner power by our God to overcome anything in life.

They say behind every dark cloud there is a silver lining that should give one hope and strength to go on so why not hold onto to that and face that bump you had on your journey?? Easier said than done right??That’s what we hold as an excuse but truth is it ain’t going to work for us forever. We got to learn how to be responsible and develop an optimistic and undying relationship with God then yess it’s going to get easier. Nothing is created to destroy us sisters and brothers but something is created to prove our resilience..And Sarcastically that’s negative change. Because that change no matter how strong you think you are it’s going to test you. And because you have it in to fight you have it in you to challenge it then it wouldn’t be such a milestone for you.

We have to know and just learn to live with the fact that there is always something that’s going to change in our lives. Whether it’s for the good reasons or bad ones but it’s going to eventually happen. Now why not live to embrace what you have today and what makes you happy so that by the time things get a little sour you don’t hold any regrets?You know there’s this verse that says DO NOT BE ANXIOUS ABOUT TOMORROW FOR TOMORROW WILL BE ANXIOUS FOR ITSELF. And I would love my sisters and brothers that you hold on to it as your daily bread.

Remember we don’t have to have it all figured out it ain’t a necessity.We live to survive each day as optimistic as possible. Not everything we think will always be in a right track for us.But what we believe in and have faith in will always come through for us.We can comprehend to change.