Why I love BTS

1.BTS is the reason why I really appreciated the people who are sharing dear story because when Jimin said “l believe that everyone has a strong to tell”.

2.BTS is the reason why I love myself why because when RM said “If you want to love others,l think you should love yourself first”.

3.BTS is the best band i ever seen they treated each other not a friend but a family when jimin said “i don’t have a friend, because we are family”that’s break me so hard.

4. Bts teach me to be brave and go on to my life when Suga said”life is short and things don’t always work well, but you should be brave and go on with our lives”.

5. Bts teach me to be myself because when RM said”i think you should be yourself, even it’s not perfect”

6. Bts teach me to love myself because when taehyung said “love the person inside you”l

7. Bts is the reason why i still alive because they teach me to be happy whatever it cost ,conquer everything, and be brave and go on to your life, bts teach armys to love their family their friends and mostly their selves, bts teach as hard work all do cost because taehyung said”i believe that anything is possible if you work hard enough”.

That’s why i love bts, one thing i break the most when jungkook said “see you all at 2025, please wait more longer”and when suga cry that’s break me so hard

To BTS army well always wait for you guys see you at 2025 and take care of yourselves we army will take care of us so we love you guys