“I’m sorry please, I beg you. You can’t do this to me. Please, I’m sorry.”

Yes, it is true that you can fall out of love with someone. I thought being married was going to strengthen our bond. I was wrong, for the past few years I’ve only watched how the love I had for the person I would give the world to fade away.

Honestly, I wonder what his sorry about. Is it because he once called me a whore, maybe not. His probably sorry for the time when he forced me to have sexual intercourse with him. And why, because I’m his wife and that’s why he thinks he owns me. Or is it because of the time he lost a big contract at work. So what do you do when that happens? Drink so much, and after that remember you have a punching bag at home. One so strong that after breaking three of her ribs and leaving her hospitalized for three months she still survives. Or, are you apologizing because you were never faithful in our marriage and as a result you have infected my with your diseases.

It’s ironic though, even after all those incidents you’ve apologized and you never changed. You actually became worse. People would say I’m too blame because I’m not keeping you happy, not doing my duties as a makoti should. What do people know anyway?

I grab my two suitcases and make my way to the door. I can still hear how the monster behind me begs for me too stay. I finally get to the door in what feels like a thousand years. And as my nose comes into contact with the cool breeze from the outside air, I know I’ve made the right decision. Not only for myself but also for the life that grows inside of me. I finally close the door leaving behind the man I once loved, my dream house and the lavish lifestyle I’ve always wished for.

“I’m sorry!”

I can’t help but laugh as I make my way to the car. Bye, bye Mr monster. Yes, you might have tried to drag me down and unfortunately for you I’m still alive. And what’s the old saying “what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger”.

I might be broken, literally and figuratively, but I’m not defeated.

I think women have suffered enough, it’s time we chose ourselves. Because the men who says he loves you but constantly causes you to feel pain does not deserve you.