” Well done, Aphile, you have done it again”, Mr Masombuka said, clapping his hand at me because I had obtained The first position in Grade 8 again. Hi guys, I am Aphile ITHANDILE MTHIMKHULU. I live in New Castle. For the past year, I have always obtained The first position in the top ten. I ended the primary chapter well and got an offer to attend a high school. In term one, I did The same as in Term two, but in Term three, I felt lonely cause I didn’t have friends. In my class, a group or scheme used to taunt me, saying bad words to me. Then, one day, Mr Masombuka added me to that annoying group. I wonder what possessed Mr Masombuka That day. he thought it at that group .”Hey, miss, know it all”, Zama said, looking at me with an attitude. “Know what you should do, girlie. You will write The project yourself, and we will get marks. Easy is that.” Thando is the girl who annoys me the most. What else should I have done? I just kept quiet. “What are you looking at, you bonehead? ” she said. Are we clear?” Gudu said. The ugly one at the scheme🙉”ye yes “, I said, looking scared.

And, Of course, I did just that. I can say that It gave me friends since That time they started to befriend me .”Aphile, do you date?” I said no, and they laughed and wondered why. “Aphile, you are telling me you do not have a boyfriend, haha. “Yes, what is wrong with it?” I said. “Listen, do you want to be in this scheme,” Zama said. “Yes, why,” I said, amazed. “So you have to date, or you are not our friend,” then said.”choose baby girl. What is it going to be? “Gub. I thought for a second and decided That I should do it because I was desperate for friends, and I agreed. Then one day my friends told me a boy like me and wanted to meet me. I did like that, but what should I do to meet and date and love him? My marks dropped, and my Teachers also suspected I was unstoppable. I didn’t care what people said or thought; I wanted my friends and boyfriend. I even started to smoke. One day, my boyfriend told me he no longer loved me and had moved on. I cried and thought of suicide but thought I must fix myself. When I arrived at school, Zama was dating my boyfriend, who broke my heart, but I set my life free from fake friends and a lousy boyfriend. I excelled in school, and in the term, I obtained the first position. Since then, I have learned I would rather trust A stone than someone.