On the 15th of November 2017 a Very sunny day it was.i finally gave him a chance and accepted his “love”,after about a year of begging, I finally gave in.the reason I took longer to give him a chance was uhm he was seeing someone and few months down the line he impregnated her.
That didn’t stop him from chasing me though. Months went by his girlfriend gave birth to a beautiful baby girl, he was over the moon and he would tell me how he adores him daughter,it was a beautiful thing to witness And a good reason for me not to give him a chance because i did not want to break his family though I was slowly falling for him but my feelings did not matter to me at that point.
I remember bumping into him And his little family in town. That day I realised that I loved him because I was disappointed and sad.but than I realised that he is theirs and belong to them not me anyway, a bitter pill to swallow.
That scenario played in my haerd untill I decided to cut ties with him from blocking him to all my socials and deleting his number and actual avoid him any possible way. Weeks passed without hearing from him nor seeing him. I was sad I missed him, I missed his sweet nothings words.