After a long night of desperation and a lot of mixed up emotions I get up, peek through the slight opening of my curtain .Seeing the gloomy weather outside and I’m like why does it have to be like this during summer like seriously and yeah you might think I’m exaggeration but no it’s around 7am but I can barely see the sun. Well already feeling tired of the day ahead .I sit up reminiscing all my plans for the day. “Oats for the starts ,dishes from last night ,laundry ooh what a day” I slip in my slippers as I drag my feet to get my robe.Just as I am to leave something cautches my eye.“What’s that “I rub the sleep off my eyes and Pick the box from my study chair. I take it feel it’s texture covered with A red fabric so soft I could make this. hobby .A box the size of a pencil case but thicker what could it have.I wonder as I try to picture what’s inside.The box so precious I don’t even shake to guess what inside .I try to think and I remember what happened last night before I got to bed .I had just confessed to my crush my feelings. What if … I try to brush the thought off my mind but could it? No , then I remember my cousin just left yesterday I was sharing my room with her . Could she had left it by mistake? Or did she leave it for me but she would have left a note. I try to open it but it has a golden button that I guess opens the box .Then something in me makes me not to push the button. So what am I gonna leave this without knowing what’s inside.Well I’ll just text my cousin see if she knows anything.But what if it’s not from her she’ll be pestering me about who gave it to me and she’s had a mini crush on Kevin since like forever, like she melts over this guy.And it just hit my mind “wait,if it’s from Kevin how did it get in the house ? “.I finally tell myself well there is one way to find out . Just as I was about to push the button Kevin out of nowhere enters my room rushing and panting I sit there with the box in my hand shocked, he opens the window takes the box from my hand which were ready to push the golden button throws it outside. I try to shout at him but as confused and mesmerized by his charm his hair all over the place I’m speechless then one minute boom! Something outside explodes .Before I could make sense of what was happening everything goes blank…