I have always wondered what life would be like if I wasn’t this shy. Did I miss on out on certain things because I was shy or because I was really not interested? This question still remains unanswered even today.n to your work.

Growing up I have always been a shy person.Making friends was the hardest thing for me to do and forming bonds was the worst thing to do because I get too attached ,which led to me having separation anxiety.

Sometimes I stare at the mirror asking myself so many questions that always remains unanswered. Many people call me introvert but I tend to disagree because I see myself as just shy .I do not consider myself an introvert or extrovert because I believe due to my shyness I haven’t been able to explore and know my own personality. Am I the only one who is like this? That is one of the many questions that I have left unanswered.

Sometimes I tend to tell myself that I have social anxiety so I can give a real reason to my shyness when people ask. Does saying that makes me feel better? No it doesn’t, But it makes me feel like people will understand me for being such a quiet person at all times. I tend to blow away my problems with the wind , but they never go far away as they always come back to hunt me.

When I was 10 I fell in love with acting ,but am a scaredy cats that can’t even face it’s fears . I do it alone in my mirrors or add to lines from a movie or series that I watch .Would I be able to change or control my emotions? That’s one questions I often ask myself .Sometimes I wish I can just be normal and explore certain thing ,I just wanted to experience being an open person and learn how to communicate with others .

It gets weird when strangers talk to me and I fail to answer Eben if I try, Does that makes me weird? I wish I could learn to overcome my shyness so I can follow my actual career. Am I being hard on myself for wanting more? Sometimes I just wanna be able to spread my wings and be free of all the things am holding onto all by myself.