It all started when I was about 5 years old. One day I had an accident while I was playing, I fell with my right arm. At that time I didn’t feel any pain, until it was late at night. I started crying, ouch mom help me please!!!! Mom came running, what is wrong?
I have a pain in my arm. Jonna wee, where is your dad let me call him. She looked for my father everywhere, walking alone in the streets at night until she found him. So help me God I wish she never looked for him in the first place. He came to me and asked what is wrong with me, when I answered he slapped me in the face and said ” why did you call me for this rubbish.”
It is so hard to be a rejection!!!
Around the age of 14 years I won a school competition, I was part of Grade 9 top learners in East Rand. The prize was to go to Durban for 7 days. I had to make a plan to get money, swimsuit, toiletries and so on. Guess what my parents only gave R200. Well I was young I had to accept everything.
Well in my matric year I had no one, it was hard both my parents were working, my brother and sister were working. Imagine when they have problems I am the first person they call when they have problems, but when I have problems everyone is closed in a shell.
In the year 2012 in August I was raped and my own mother said, ke layehile where were you going. Luckily I recognised the rapist, I attended a court for two years alone without anyone and my younger sister was there when I was raped but she failed to be a witness in court. But with God’s grace the guy was arrested because he came to me with his family to offer me R5000 for him not to be arrested. Just because he is a soldier imagine, how people can so cruel.
It is hard when you’re not loved by your family. The love that you will find from strangers it is not the same. You know right now I have a partner that is so supportive in everything that I do. I am a college dropout because I didn’t have money for transport and with NSFAS it takes long to pay. I never had an opportunity to have a career advice in time, until my partner arrived he showed all the ropes of education system, I am now studying at University of South Africa and I am doing very well, I have a driver’s licence with his help of course.
If it was someone else they would have an opportunity to abuse me not to save from life rejection of family. I am 30 years of age, a mother of two beautiful kids. I am proud to say I am a survivor through all the hardship of life. If I had a choice to choose a family!!!!
FAMSA (Families South Africa): 011 975 7106/7 or email
SADAG (South African Depression and Anxiety Group): 0800 567 567 (toll-free counselling between
8am and 8pm)
Rape Crisis: 021 447 9762