Rule number one never lay your hand on any girl ! Even if it’s your sister. I want you to grow up in this cruel world and be the man that will make change. You don’t necessarily need to be a man to make change but you may freely start of at any age.
I want you to treat each and every woman in this world like a princess cause I’m forever the queen. I want you to be the first man in this world to make each and every women feel as if they have a utility and objective to life.

I want you to always reinforce the fact that you would be nothing in this world if women did not draw breath. Be a leader my son.

May you lead all men into protecting and ensuring that every woman is fine and I promise you the world will start evolving with your mere change. Let them judge and call you a ‘softie’ but just know you’ve earned and respect of each and every woman.

I promise you all the women will treat you like a king.

My son I want you to be a better version of your father, not only of your father but be a version that your future sons would want to be and future daughters would love to fall in love with.

My son. My leader. My future hero. My change starter and my world evolver.