Dear Dad..

I’m writing this letter with a mix of emotions – pain, anger, sadness, and confusion. I’m not even sure where to start. Hi, it’s me, your daughter. I’m all grown up now, but still carrying the scars of your absence.

The day you left is etched in my memory like it was yesterday. It’s a nightmare that replays in my mind, haunting me. I’ve spent years asking myself why. Why did you leave? Was it something I did or said? Was I not good enough? The questions swirl in my head, and the answers elude me.

I’ve grown up with this weight, wondering if it was my fault. If only I had been better, would you have stayed? The guilt and shame have been my constant companions. Dad, I need to know why. Why did you leave without a word? Couldn’t you have fought back? I was just a child, dependent on you for love, support, and guidance. Yet, you chose death over life.

Life may be overbearing, but I fight your battles every day. I fight the urge to follow you. Why couldn’t you have fought too? Why didn’t you cry out for help? I wish you had found the strength to stay.

As I navigate life, I struggle to understand how to move forward. How do I heal from this wound? How do I learn to trust again? Hoe do I heal?


Yours always..I think
